Hampshire Fetes
I feel there is something very nostalgic about village fetes, the feeling that your grandparents have been doing this sort of thing before you and yet very little has changed too much.
I enjoy driving through our Hampshire countryside at the start of summer and whizzing past a small little sign advertising a village fetes in the coming weeks. Then when you arrive at a little village fete and your hear the buzzing commotion around the tom-bola and have a rummage around the nic-naks for sale on the various stall, and not to mention the coconut shy what man can resist a go on that to impress the wife and kids.
I am very privileged to live in such a beautiful county where we have pockets of little villages that uphold this tradition, and I do so hope it will still be around when I’m a grandparent and I can tell my grandchildren how I was doing this at their age.
We use this excellent resource to keep track of which fetes and events are forth coming throughout the year.